The Coveys: Making an impact in Park Royal

There are many wonderful things about Park Royal, but the residents make it a great community. Residents like the Covey family.

Lynn Covey has lived in the area for many years. And lately, she has been busy keeping the tradition and love of lacrosse – Canada’s national summer sport – alive in our neighbourhood. Her entire family has hosted several lacrosse camps throughout the summer and fall of this year at Hillside Park. The equipment was supplied by the Covey family, and children from the area had the chance to learn a little about lacrosse, the basic rules of the game, and practice what they learned with their peers.

Lynn plans to host more events like this next year, as it is a great opportunity for children to learn about the sport, meet other kids in the neighbourhood, and of course have fun! For more information about how to sign up, check out Lynn Covey on Facebook.

Park Royal resident Keegan Covey is selling keychains to raise money for Orange Shirt Day to honour Indigenous families torn apart by residential Schools in Canada.

Keegan Covey, Lynn’s son is also contributing to the neighbourhood by promoting awareness of a special cause known as Every Child Matters.

Every Child Matters is the organization that runs the Orange Shirt Day Campaign that is held annually on September 30th. It is a day to recognize the children that were torn apart from their homes and their families to attend Residential Schools for Indigenous peoples. We honour them by wearing something orange.

This organization is something Keegan is very passionate about, as Keegan is part Ojibway. In support of Every Child Matters, Keegan, with a little help from his family, has been crafting and selling keychains, set up a GoFundMe Page, and has a raffle planned. The keychains are handmade by Keegan with phrases like Park Royal and Hillside; and the raffle is planned for February 2020 with the first prize being Toronto Maple Leaf tickets.

With the funds raised, Keegan plans to purchase an Orange Shirt Day button for all the students and staff at Hillside Public School for Orange Shirt Day, 2020. Last year, Keegan supported the cause by handing out bracelets.

For more information about how to purchase a keychain or buy a raffle ticket, you can check them out on Facebook @KeegansOrangeShirtDayFundraiser

It’s residents like the Covey Family that make Park Royal such a great place to live. Keep up the good work!

If you know of a resident of Park Royal doing wonderful or interesting things, please let us know at so we can feature them in our community spotlight.

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