Park Royal water infrastructure replacement

Park Royal water infrastructure replacement

UPDATED September 23, 2016: This work has been delayed and should begin in late September or early October; work will move with northern streets and move south.

UPDATED December 2, 2016: This work has been delayed a second time, but is set to begin any day. Read the official Public Notice from the Region of Peel.

The Region of Peel is replacing watermains, water services and fire hydrants throughout the Park Royal Community as the current infrastructure is outdated and requires frequent repairs, as well as to help boost water pressure to some areas that have experienced low pressure in the past.
The first phase of construction is anticipated to start in late June/early July and continue through to the early 2017. This phase includes work on Benedet Drive, Birch Crescent, Poplar Crescent, Vey Road, Tredmore Drive, Harman Court, Playford Road and Selord Court. Please see the map below for details.

Residents on these streets will receive a notice informing them of a start date approximately two weeks prior to when construction begins. Residents who will be receiving an increase in water pressure will be receiving a separate notice with more information prior to any planned water pressure increases.

The Region is working to minimize the impact of construction; however residents should expect traffic disruptions, lane closures and reduced on-street parking. Once the work has been completed all streets will be paved and any disturbed areas will be restored.
Our project (#13-1347) will be multi-phased and will be completed over the next three to four years. Its purpose is to replace aging water services infrastructure, as well as increase water pressure in some areas that have been identified as having lower pressure. As a result part of the work will be modifying some water valves outside of the actual construction area.

To complete the construction we are anticipating using eight separate construction contracts of which possibly three will directly impact the Park Royal Community Association area. The other contracts will be north of the QEW, along Southdown Road and east of Southdown Road, and may have indirect impacts.

We are planning to construct only one of the contracts – 13-1347 Assignment A beginning this summer in either late June or early July.

We will deliver resident notices once we have more details and a proposed start date. It is our practice to give approximately two weeks’ notice before we start construction. We will also provide resident notice updates at various points throughout the construction. These would include planned water shut downs, stopping construction for the winter, watermain installation completion and restoration. For planned water shutdowns, we aim to give 48 hours’ notice, and for residential areas, the timing for the shut-down is typically from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays to try to minimize the impact. Residents that will be affected by the water pressure increase will also receive notices. However, they may not be the same residents who will be affected by the construction.
The first contract comprises the following streets:

  • Benedet Drive from Winston Churchill Boulevard to Una Road
  • Birch Crescent from Benedet Drive to Benedet Drive
  • Poplar Crescent from Benedet Drive to Benedet Drive
  • Vey Road from Benedet Drive to Sandgate Crescent
  • Tredmore Drive from Bromsgrove Road to Constable Road
  • Harman Court from Tredmore Drive to the end of the street
  • Playford Road from Tredmore Drive to Bromsgrove Road
  • Selord Court from Playford Rd to the end of the street

We will also have some valving modifications at the following intersections

  • Truscott Drive and Seagull Drive
  • Brookhurst Road and Nigel Road
  • Brookhurst Road and Lewisham Drive
  • Truscott Drive (west of Sheridan Creek Bridge)

We originally had South Sheridan Way from Winston Churchill to Benedet Drive included in this construction but had to remove it due to some conflicts that will take additional time to resolve. It will be added to next summer’s construction contract.

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