What's Happening with the Former Elmcrest Public School?

Photo of Elmcrest Public School, July 10, 2021
The site of the Elmcrest Public School, July 10, 2021

If you live in the northwest part of Park Royal, or have driven along Sandgate Crescent recently, you may have noticed the site of the former Elmcrest Public School at 2620 Chalkwell Close has been fenced in and demolition of the building has begun.

The former elementary school closed to students on June 30, 2016. The building has sat unused since then – except for a few times when it was rented out for a film shoot or training exercise.

The Peel District School Board (PDSB) has received approval to sell the former school. In preparation for sale of the property, the condition of the building was examined, and the structure was declared prohibitive to repair. Demolition of the building should be complete by the end of this summer.

In accordance with Ontario Regulation 444/98 of the Education Act, the PDSB then plans to sell the property on the open market at fair market value.

The property will be sold as a single parcel. If purchased by a developer or builder, a development application would be necessary, wherein the new owner may look to subdivide the parcel. The development application process would include public consultation, and notice will be provided to residents.

The City of Mississauga Planning Department has not had any preliminary meetings with potential purchasers of the school lands to date.

Map of zoning designations in and around the site of the former Elmcrest Public School

The school lands are zoned R2 (Residential detached) and designated as Residential Low Density II. According to the Mississauga Official Plan, lands designated Residential Low Density II will permit the following uses:

a. detached dwelling;
b. semi-detached dwelling;
c. duplex dwelling, and
d. triplexes, street townhouses and other forms of low-rise dwellings with individual frontages.

Sandgate Park is adjacent to the school property and zoned OS1 (Open Space), designated as Public Open Space within the Official Plan. The OS1 zone only permits passive and active recreational uses and a stormwater management facility. The park land is not up for sale.

The PRCA Board of Directors is communicating with both Ward 2 Councillor Karen Ras and the Peel District School Board about this development. We will keep our members updated as further details become available.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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