2620 Chalkwell Close Committee
The City of Mississauga Planning and Building Department has received an application submission for the development of 2620 Chalkwell Close (the old Elmcrest Public School location) from Dunpar Homes.
As of February 28, 2024, the City of Mississauga has determined that the application from Dunpar Homes is not complete. Therefore, the 120-day process for City staff to review the application and provide the Planning and Development Committee with the recommendation has not begun yet.
There are no scheduled meeting dates at the City of Mississauga regarding the application at this time.
To prepare for this upcoming development submission for 2620 Chalkwell Close the Park Royal Community Association is encouraging all Park Royal community members to join our 2620 Chalkwell Close Committee. There is no cost to join and membership within the Park Royal Community Association is not required (although support from members does make this non-profit organization stronger in representing issues with the City of Mississauga).
Please join our 2620 Chalkwell Close Committee so that our community can have the strongest response possible when this development application is submitted. The detailed information collected is only to ensure all 2620 Chalkwell Close Committee members live in Park Royal.