2620 Chalkwell Close development proposal meeting June 25, 2024

A development application has been submitted to the City of Mississauga to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The pro
A development application has been submitted to the City of Mississauga to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. The property owner wants to build/change the use of the lands to permit 180 3-storey back-to-back townhouse dwellings within twelve (12) development blocks with 402 parking spaces and 1476 square metres of amenity area.

Dunpar Homes submitted their application for development of 2620 Chalkwell Close property—formerly the site of Elmcrest Public School—to the Planning and Development department of the City of Mississauga. The application was deemed complete on March 14, 2024 and the complete report will be presented to the Planning and Development Committee on June 25, 2024 at 6 p.m. at the Council Chamber at the Mississauga Civic Centre.

Although the application has just been accepted it does appear that the proposal is very similar to the one presented on November 21, 2023—with about 10 fewer homes but an increase of parking spots. Information and documents regarding this development application is available on the City of Mississauga website.

Councillor Tedjo said that he asked Dunpar if they wanted to host another community meeting like the one held on November 21, 2023. Dunpar refused to do another presentation—as is their right—so there will not be another community meeting about the development proposal.

Therefore, the next opportunity for the residents of Park Royal to voice their concerns or support for the proposal is at the June 25, 2024 Planning and Development Committee meeting. This meeting will be held on Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. at council chambers at Mississauga City Hall.

Councillor Tedjo said the City decided not to purchase these lands from the Peel District School Board before he became councillor. “I didn’t get the chance to do this here,” explained Councillor Tedjo.

He continued that, “it is going to be a challenging application as there are valid concerns that City staff have.”

Councillor Tedjo explained that very often the Planning and Development Committee reaches no decision rather than accepting or rejecting a proposal—often due to incomplete information or further information they would like to see. When the 120 days are up, it results in no decision.

With either no decision or a rejection, Dunpar Homes will be able to appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal. At the tribunal the City will explain the reason for their decision or no decision and Dunpar Homes will be able to explain why their application should be approved.

The Park Royal Community Association has created a 2620 Chalkwell Close Development Committee to organize the community regarding this proposed development. Community members do not need to be Park Royal Community Association members in order to join.

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