Dunpar revises building proposal for Elmcrest Public School site
On June 25, 2024, the City of Mississauga Planning and Development committee approved the rezoning of the former Elmcrest Public School site (2620 Chalkwell Close) to allow for townhouses and back-to-back townhouses. However, the Planning and Development Committee did not approve the exceptions that Dunpar was seeking, and instead voted to allow Dunpar to modify the sitel to fit within existing City of Mississauga zoning bylaws.
Dunpar had until July 16, 2024 to appeal the decision to redesign the property, and they have not. Dunpar could appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal anytime regarding zoning exceptions they are seeking. They have not yet made such an appeal.
In November 2024, Dunpar submitted a revised design to the Planning and Development Department. The proposal remains very similar; however, the number of townhouse units has been reduced from 180 to 166 and from 12 development blocks to 10.
The height of the townhouses has increased by 0.75 metres (with an overall height allowance of 12.75 metres). On the south, east, and west side of the property the setback from other properties has increased to 3 metres. Parking spaces have also been relocated with a reconfigured road design that does not require a firetruck to reverse for over 90 metres.
In the Park Royal Community Association presentation in June 2024, we recommended that the proposal be limited to 100 townhouse units instead of the proposed 180 to meet fire and waste management concerns. We stand by that as a reasonable compromise. A reduction of 14 townhomes from 180 to 166 is still too many. Additional fire safety measures will be added in the construction of the townhouses since there is not proper access for fire regulations. We have been assured by the Planning and Development Department that the fire department will continue to be involved to ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code.
The decision by the Planning and Development Committee in June 2024 was about the best we could hope for in a political environment that wants housing development no matter the consequence. We are all quickly labelled as NIMBYs (Not in My Backyard) and even the new mayor Carolyn Parrish stated “My initial view is that it is a good development,” and that she would support the proposal before hearing the staff presentation.
This positive result is thanks to Councillors Stephen Dasko and Dipika Damerla who came out to our community and listened to our concerns, and to the incredible members of our community who went above and beyond on the community’s behalf.
The Park Royal Community Association was disappointed by Mayor Parrish’s disregard for our concerns and the lack of support the Park Royal Community Association received from our Ward 2 Councillor Alvin Tedjo. In the end they voted appropriately but they were not helpful or supportive leading up to the vote. Hopefully, we can count on their support for the February 10, 2025 Planning and Development Committee meeting on this development proposal.
A recording of the entire Planning and Development Committee meeting from June 25, 2024, is available. The Mississauga News also has a great summary of the meeting and what has occurred since. There is also the report produced by the Planning and Development Department and their recommendations adopted by the committee.
The PRCA is planning on making a deputation at the February 10, 2025 meeting and we hope that the community will attend the meeting as well to show their support and express their opinions and concerns with the proposed development. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the PRCA at PRCAboard@parkroyalca.org